Shifted my morning ritual from journaling to doodling. Extra plus for any activity that lets me buy beautiful stationery.
Work has been a mixed bag. Considering how important it is to me, it’s been a major point of contention and discomfort lately. Lots of big decisions, lots of consequences, lots of anxiety.
Start of the year, like any other, I made content goals. The list is inclusive but not limited to movies to watch and books to read. In my quest to watch 80 new movies, I made a tiny dent of watching 19 till now. My absolute favourite in this year being Dune 2 and Fallen Angels.
I am really proud of myself for exercising consistently. I have started to enjoy my gruelling gym time. Plus, I have an amazing coach who keeps me on my toes and catches my attempts to cheat in my rep. I am excited to develop better food habits. I have been playing around with new recipes, all idiot proof ofc. I am enjoying the research, which might be an attempt to justify the insane amount of time I spend on my phone. This new habit, also gave me a reason to shop which if you know me, is something I truly enjoy.
I have been feeling devoid of inspiration and creativity. My job requires me to be quick on my feet and to keep thinking out of the box yet here I am creatively drained. Maybe a vacation is on the cards. Maybe stepping out of my house and meeting friends a bit more might help. Maybe a trip to my parents. Let's see.
Minor wins for a cheerful note
Started to draw again, had forgotten the physical feel of a wax crayon.
Writing more for Time Capsule has forced me to read more. 10/10
If I say so myself, I have nailed my breakfast game. Been making delicious sandwiches each morning.
Mine and my best friend's dog, both turned 1.
I made a dent on my portfolio (although, as I type this- I have hit a mental block and not made any progress in the past month and a half)
And these are some things I read which left a mark :
Be Vanilla : https://stephango.com/vanilla
No artist is pleased : https://www.wearecollins.com/ideas/no-artist-is-pleased/
The gross fluids and clean fluidity of Spirited Away : https://thedissolve.com/features/movie-of-the-week/832-the-gross-fluids-and-clean-fluidity-of-spirited-aw/
Design as a compromise :https://stephango.com/design-is-compromise